White Salvia bundle

$12.50 USD $7.50 USD
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Available for this product and all of the products of category: Ritual -> Palo Santo, Sahumerio Sustentable, Rapé, Ritual -> Kit Ritual , Ritual.

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  • Hands Of Mexico Calle 7 sur y 6 sur, "La Veleta" , 77760 Tulum, Q.R.

White Sage Bundle of 10 cm;

for An In-Depth Energy Cleanse.

It is often combined with palo santo in kits to purify the house. 

The process to follow during the ritual of the sahumerio is as follows:

Clear your mind to free yourself from any worries.

  1.          Choose the purpose of its use such as aura cleansing, purification, eliminating negativity, etc.
  2.          Take the tie and turn it on at one end.
  3.          Once it begins to burn, it should be gently shaken or blow the tie so that the flame is extinguished and the smoke comes out.
  4.          Spread the smoke around the room or through your own body, while you visualize how the smoke takes away everything negative.
  5.          When you finish the ritual you must make sure that the sage tie is completely off and open a window when the smoke is abundant so as not to directly        inhale the smoke.



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