Polvo Ancestral - 20g Rapé

$59.38 USD $46.25 USD
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  • Hands Of Mexico Calle 7 sur y 6 sur, "La Veleta" , 77760 Tulum, Q.R.

20 Gram Glass Contener + Gift Bag.

Benefits of Rapé at an energetic and emotional level:

When projected, snuff cleanses our perception, clears the mind and opens the higher energy channels, connecting us with the highest of our being.    By stopping the internal dialogue, the snuff helps to be truly present and see beyond the interpretations, inducing a direct meditative state.


  • Jiboia Intensity: Strong
  • Kashinawa: Intensity: Strong
  • Jurema Preta + Aroeira Intensity: strong
  • Huacatay Mint Intensity: Strong
  • Parika Snuff - Huni Kuin Intensity: Medium/Strong
  • Mulateiro Intensity: Strong
  • Yopo monkfish/ Iopo Intensity: Strong
  • Cumaru Intensity: Strong. 
  • Page Vehicle Intensity: Strong. 
  • Rome Kaya Intensity: Strong. 


  • Bashawa Intensity: Medium-Strong
  • Wild Cocoa Intensity: medium-Strong
  • Sananga Intensity: Medium-Strong
  • Jurema Preta Intensity: medium-Strong
  • Kapayuba Intensity: Medium-Strong 
  • 7 herbs Intensity: Medium-Strong

Jiboia: It is created from the fragrant bark of the Tsunu tree, the Wacha Ichi tree, and the plants "Samsara" and "Chipo Jiboy". The Katukina or Catuquina are the main group living in southwestern Brazil, on the border between the Amazon and Acre. They are considered the classic bearers of knowledge about Rapé in the Amazon region. The Katukin people call themselves: the society of the sky, the society of the celestial body, and the society of the otter. Intensity: Strong

Kashinawa: This is a REAL PLANT, handmade by the Kashinawa Huni Queen tribe in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil (a pretty strong variety). It has a pleasant spicy aroma. It helps cleanse negative energy, clears the mind and consciousness, grounds you, and opens the chakras. This powder is also used for meditation practices.  Intensity: Strong

Jurema Preta + Aroeira Indigenous Snuff: It manifests clairvoyance in what we colloquially call premonition, hunch, sixth sense or inner voice, but which is actually called intuition; It also helps us relax and fall asleep, guiding us to the immense depth of our thoughts and lucid dreams that a good night's sleep produces.  Intensity: Strong


Huacatay Mint: It is grown in villages on the shores of the Andes mountain range in Penta Huacatayru. It is STRONG with a fresh aroma like that of the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest and a slight citrus touch. Its properties are anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and help in the treatment of the entire respiratory tract, because, like Brazilian mint or "Popero ta", its natural composition contains menthol; a plant that helps connect with the ancestral energy of the Andes. Intensity: Strong

Mulateiro: It is made with the ashes of the Mulateiro tree and Tab@co. This is an extremely fine, flowing powder that has a dark gray appearance. It provides a sharp and powerful initial sensation that tends to make the eyes water immediately. A lot of energy and energy can be felt in the first moments with a subtle and peaceful after-effect. The mind is freed from thoughts and one is brought into a peaceful space with a high level of concentration. Mulaterium (Calycophyllum spruceanum) ashes are considered to have antiparasitic and antiparasitic properties, and are said to be used in POWDERS to release tensions from the right and left brain lobes, thus providing deep balance and balance of mind and body.  Intensity: Strong

Yopo/ Iopo This POWDER can be used as an inhibitor to enhance OTHER POWDERS (applied before or during, remember to respect the nature of your being).  On its own it does not generate a deep connection because it is not activated yopo, but it can have favorable effects generating states of meditation.  It can be a little harsh for some people. It is used for deep spiritual practices, intense cleansing, and mindfulness work. It promotes expanded perception, deeper meditation, and experiences of inner transformation, making it suitable for those seeking deep spiritual development and self-knowledge. It is a mix of plants, yopo seeds, hairpin seeds. Intensity: Strong


Cumaru: It is a strong POWDER made from the bark of the Cumaru Plant tree, which can reach 50 meters in height. Among its predominant medicinal features is clearing the airways and bronchi. In meditation, it improves the entry of air into the lungs which allows you to focus on the breath, your thoughts and the energy that emanates from your being. Cumaru -Ajna chakra- "Very True Tree" is called by the Huni Kuin Culture, the ancestral inhabitants of the jungle. It is characterized by opening the perception of other dimensions and the Astral World. Ideal for inducing a state of elevated meditation and establishing a deep connection with Buddhi, "awakened consciousness". Strongly healing and liberating; It can cause a deep physical and energetic cleansing in the throat and lungs. Intensity: strong. 

Vehia de Paje: Strong POWDER and acts in a general way on the body, favoring the physical, mind and emotional. Traditionally used by the Natives of Etinia Huni Kuin, it can harmonize the wearer in various aspects, bringing physical cleansing, calmness and mental alignment and spiritual connection; It is also used to promote focus and concentration, grounding awareness in the body, promoting mental harmony and vigor of the body. Intensity: strong. 

Rome Kaya: It brings strong the energy of the father tab@co, masculine energy, connects with the higher self, a DUST considered strong, as well as a firm father helps in strong processes mainly of dependence such as vices. Its Ancestral strength brings us a strong connection with spirituality and helps us in mental balance. Also recommended for energy cleansing and meditation. Intensity: strong. 


Bashawa: This monkfish works with intuition, brings mental clarity, connection, provides healing properties in wounds, helps with flu, bronchitis and contains antioxidants. Ash has a medium neutral and dry aroma. Intensity: medium-strong

Parika Snuff - Huni Kuin: This snuff has a medium or minor amount of ash, it is quite spicy and strong. It helps us connect with our body and mother earth, nature. It helps to clear the mind, concentrate, think clearly or even think less and feel our emotions more, connect with the heart. Intensity: Medium/Strong


Wild Cocoa: Reduces anxiety and works as a natural antidepressant. It is beneficial for the heart. Intensity: medium-strong

Sananga: On a psychological level, it treats fears, anxiety, and anxiety. It calms the mind by providing relaxation and serenity because it frees the brain from burdens and blockages. Cleanse, tidy and align your energy fields. It relaxes the body and relaxes.  Ingredients: Tab@co, Uchucusanga, Chiric sanango and ashes of Lobo sanango and Cacao. Traceability: Amazonian Tab@co and plants from Madre de Dios, Peru. Intensity: medium-strong


Jurema Preta: It manifests clairvoyance in what we colloquially call premonition, hunch, sixth sense or inner voice, but which is actually called intuition;  It also helps us relax and fall asleep, guiding us to the immense depth of our thoughts and lucid dreams that a good night's sleep produces. It also helps us relax and fall asleep, guiding us into the immense depth of our thoughts and lucid dreams that produce a good night's sleep. It manifests clairvoyance in what we colloquially call premonition, hunch, sixth sense or inner voice, but which is actually called intuition. Intensity: medium-strong

Kapayuba: This wonderful POWDER is of very high frequency with subtle floral tones and a clear sharpness that pierces the frontal lobes of the head. An excellent Rapé to help in the deep connection to the present. Intensity: medium-strong 

7 herbs: Contains Mapacho Tob@cco leaves, Eucalyptus leaves, Bay leaves, inner bark of Cinnamon, Sage leaves, Rosemary leaves, Basil leaves, Mint leaves and ashes of 100% pure Chañar bark. Work on each of the Chakras, so it is ideal to mobilize. Great energy cleanser. It helps to clear the mind allowing clarity of thoughts, concentration, meditation and especially the lucidity of dreams and astral travel. It helps sharpen memory, fights anxiety.  Intensity: medium-strong


Precauciones  Prepararse antes, espiritualmente y mentalmente.

Content: 20 grams Does not include Tepi or applicator

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