Ancient Dust - 3g

$18.13 USD
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  • Hands Of Mexico Calle 7 sur y 6 sur, "La Veleta" , 77760 Tulum, Q.R.

Benefits of Rapé at an energetic and emotional level:

When projected, snuff cleanses our perception, clears the mind and opens the higher energy channels, connecting us with the highest of our being.    By stopping the internal dialogue, the snuff helps to be truly present and see beyond the interpretations, inducing a direct meditative state.

Bashawa: This Ràpe works with intuition, brings mental clarity, connection, brings healing properties to wounds, helps with flu, bronchitis and contains antioxidants. Ash has a medium neutral and dry aroma.

Cumaru: It is a strong Rapé made with the bark of the tree of the Cumaru plant, which can reach 50 meters in height. Among its predominant medicinal features is clearing the airways and bronchi. In meditation, it improves the entry of air into the lungs which allows you to focus on the breath, your thoughts and energy emanating from your being. Intensity: strong

Parika: strong intensity, made with ashes from the bark and seeds of parika, mapacho tobacco and other medicinal plants from the Amazon. Provides great connection, clarity and a sense of presence. Awakens our inner master and connects us with our ancestors. Helps to reorder the body's energy channels. Especially used to cleanse the solar pleurotus chakra, working on identity, will and self-control. This snuff elevates you mentally and is recommended for therapists, as it promotes a cleaner contact with the patient's energy and provides sensitivity in the diagnosis.

Kashinawa: This is a real medicine, handcrafted by the Kashinawa Huni Queen tribe in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. Quite a strong strain. It has a pleasant spicy aroma. It helps to clear negative energy, clear the mind and consciousness, ground and open the chakras. This snuff is also used for meditation practices.

Murici: It is a strong Rapé that attracts healing energy for the soul and the body. Its medicinal properties contribute to reflecting and meditating on self-esteem, on self-love, elevating the body to relaxation and purification, highlighting the strength, love and inner light of each being. It acts as a healing agent, which allows alleviating gynecological problems related to the womb, uterus and ovaries, providing well-being for women and generating an intimate relationship with their body.

Yopo: It is used for deep spiritual practices, intense cleansing and consciousness work. It promotes expanded perception, deeper meditation and experiences of inner transformation, making it suitable for those seeking deep spiritual development and self-knowledge. It is a mixture of plants, yopo seeds, fork seeds. Intensity: strong

Jiboia: This Puyanawa blend is made with the ash of Jiboia leaves, a mystical power recognized in this plant to "open the paths". Its long vine shape has been recognized by the scientific community as a conductor of electric currents, which is curiously in line with its sacred use in ancestral indigenous traditions.

Jurema Preta: manifests clairvoyance in what we colloquially call premonition, hunch, sixth sense or inner voice, but which is actually called intuition;  It also helps us relax and fall asleep, guiding us to the immense depth of our thoughts and lucid dreams that a good rest produces. Intensity: medium

Kapayuba This wonderful Rapé is of very high frequency with subtle floral tones and a clear sharpness that pierces the frontal lobes of the head. An excellent Rapé to help in the deep connection to the present.

Mint: The magical properties of mint revitalize the body and mind, while calming the spirit, bringing us to a state of serenity and allowing us to connect with the present and be more aware of what is happening around us. Intensity: Medium – Mild

Rupusuti: is a strong and potent blend of the most reliable herbs and ashes that deliver some of the best results. Using this advanced mix affects its users in different ways. Above all, this Rapé has a strong and vital impact on the heart chakra area. Along with that, it can be seen as a reliable shamanic medicine for the heart and circulatory system as a whole. Intensity: strong

Cumaru – Ajna chakra – "Very True Tree" is called by the Huni Kuin culture, the ancestral inhabitants of the forest. It is characterized by opening up the perception of other dimensions and the astral world. Ideal for inducing a heightened meditative state and establishing a deep connection with Buddhi, "the awakened consciousness."  Strongly healing and liberating;It can cause a deep physical and energetic cleanse in the throat and lungs.

Jurema Preta Rapé also helps us relax and fall asleep, guiding us to the immense depth of our thoughts and lucid dreaming that a good rest produces. It manifests clairvoyance in what we colloquially call a premonition, a hunch, a sixth sense, or an inner voice, but which is actually called intuition.

Copaiba: Se compone de cenizas de plantas, entre otras; pau pereira, nissural, eric, sansara y, por supuesto, copaiba Rapé Copaiba tiene una energía muy masculina, muy arraigada, ideal para la meditación, al final del día, después del trabajo o para calmar los pensamientos antes de acostarse.

Tiene un efecto desinfectante, acelera la cicatrización de heridas, hidrata fuertemente, elimina cicatrices y quemaduras, y alivia el dolor. Cuando se usa internamente, estimula la función renal, equilibra la presión, tiene un efecto calmante y antiestrés.

Rapé Kapayuba for spiritual purposes, it is recommended to follow a specific diet, avoiding salt and sugar. This practice can improve mental clarity and deepen understanding of the teachings of medicine. Immerse yourself in the deep world of Kapayuba Rapé - Spiritual Shawãdawa and embark on a spiritual journey guided by the wisdom of the jungle.

Copaiba: It is composed of ashes of plants, among others; pau pereira, nissural, eric, sansara and, of course, copaiba Rapé Copaiba has a very masculine, very rooted energy, ideal for meditation, at the end of the day, after work or to calm thoughts before going to bed.

It has a disinfectant effect, accelerates wound healing, strongly moisturizes, removes scars and burns, and relieves pain. When used internally, it stimulates kidney function, balances blood pressure, has a calming and anti-stress effect.

Sananga On a psychological level, it treats fears, anxiety, depression. It calms the mind, providing relaxation and serenity because it frees the brain from burdens and blockages. Cleanse, tidy and align your energy fields. It relaxes the body and relaxes it. Ingredients: Tobacco, Uchucusanga, Chiric sanango and ashes of Lobo sanango and Cacao. Traceability: Tobacco and Amazonian plants from Madre de Dios, Peru.



Prepararse antes, espiritualmente y mentalmente.


Content: 3 grams

Does not include Tepi or applicator

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